icebox knitting mill

One phone call and 10 minutes later a meeting with long time local Richard Kruger was made. Richard started a sweater company, Johnathan Richards in the 1960’s it specialized in uniform wear for Colorado ski resorts. Johnathan Richards made famous the stripe up the sleeve and across the chest for the must have ski sweaters of the 1970’s.
After a few minutes of meeting with Richard he knew he could help Icebox and was in a position of semi-retirement and wanted to see some action in his factory. Alpine Knitting Mill is a fantastic Frank Lloyd Wright (inspired) building design and Josh jumped at the opportunity to be a tenant and have Richard as a mentor. For just over 10 years Icebox stayed at Alpine Knitting Mill honing the skill of knitting and sewing. In 2006 Scott Baker came onboard as working partner to run daily operations and assist in Icebox Knitting growth trajectory.

Scott had his hands full as CEO to drive all this activity. As many, many small and large companies experienced the economic rug being pulled out from under them. Icebox had to react quick to the changing landscape. Keep as many people as possible and support the retailer was the battle cry! Several years later, the 2010 – 2015 economic crisis, recessions and off-shore competition forced Icebox to re-think its outdoor market position.
At its core Scott knew the full value of Icebox making product domestically and for a wider audience of consumers. The first e-commerce site was launched in 2012 and private label manufacturing of many different products outside of knit headwear followed. Reaching out to professionals outside of the company Scott began the consistent stride of training not only his team members on the new products but himself on how to be a better entrepreneur.
That skill set still holds true today, Scott is always searching out ways to bring efficiencies to production, encouraging all teams to learn LEAN strategies so they can see the immediate results. Nothing complex just quick effective results, so each member can win leadership at every level of the company.